Parkování u letiště Václava Havla Praha Ruzyně
We offer you a free place on
our secure parking at a time
while enjoying holiday abroad
or you are on a business trip.
We offer you a cheap and secure
solution parking problems near airport.
NONSTOP transport to check-in halls
with air-conditioned car and back to parking.
Transportation from the parking lot to the airport hall and back in a few minutes FREE
Airport parking Vaclav Havel Prague Ruzyne
▪ Reasonable prices and the reliability of our airport parking.
▪ Maximum protection of your car parked with us.
▪ Nonstop transport service to airport and from the airport by air-conditioned car for 4 minutes AT ANY TIME.
▪ Airport parking Vaclav Havel Prague Ruzyně is the best choice. Come try it, you will be satisfied.